Understanding the Causes Behind Teeth Staining
By Daniel Lewis Starting your journey toward a bright smile begins with understanding the diverse factors that can introduce stains to our teeth.
...Read MoreUser report by Dr. Stephan Münzhuber Along with classical diamond burs, handpieces, and contra-angles, a curing light is one of the most important devices in the daily routine of a modern dental practice. Its quality and performance are decisive for the long-term success of restorations. Its curing mode, the handling features, and a certain degree of flexibility play a key role in this context.
Read More ...Read MoreA user report by Dr. Farina Blattner Being used for more than 80% of the treatments, it is an indispensable part of the orthodontics department in our practice: the curing light. Regardless of whether a bracket got detached, brackets must be attached, or composites need to be cured - without a curing light our practice would come to a standstill. As we do have a high patient frequency and often squeeze in patients for minor repairs, this treatment step always must be done very quickly.
Read More ...Read MoreUser Report by Dr. David Stachowicz During my professional career as a dentist, I have been working in all parts of dentistry. However, I am especially passionate in restorative procedures. From my point of view, the restorative part is the basis of every aspect in modern dentistry. All other treatment steps and protocols are build-up on restorative dentistry.
Read More ...Read MoreBy Daniel Lewis Cases requiring a sectional matrix system are far from rare for most dentists—but the nearly unlimited number of contributing factors can make each case unique. The Halo™ sectional matrix system is equipped to handle a wide variety of situations, allowing clinicians to provide long-lasting restorations amid nearly any circumstance. “I have used many sectional matrix systems over the years and found some that work better than others. With the Halo matrix system, it has all come together,” says Dr. James Wright.
Read More ...Read MoreUser report by Dr. Alexandre Franco During my professional life as a dentist, I have frequently seen patients with one single dark tooth in my practice. Being so common, I wondered which dentist would not be familiar with these situations? Usually, our first thought is that we are facing a non-vital tooth, one which had already been treated endodontically. Consequently, it would be suitable to go ahead with an appropriate whitening protocol for non-vital teeth in order to get rid of the dark internal coloration – it could not be easier, could it?
Read More ...Read MoreUser report by Petteri Viljakainen You would not want to be without a curing light in your dental practice. As they are used repeatedly on a daily basis, they are vital for the success of numerous dental procedures. Alongside the drill, a curing light is probably one of the most important tools in a dental practice. In order to obtain perfectly polymerized restorations, the curing light’s intensity as well as its handling properties are crucial.
Read More ...Read MoreUser report by Dr. Elisa Jurianz One of my patients arranged an appointment in our practice, wishing to get whiter teeth. She was unhappy with her tooth color and especially with the fact that her teeth's cervical regions were significantly darker. The regular consumption of coffee was a visible cause for the discoloration of the tooth surfaces. The patient presented no fillings, allergies, or any other health restrictions.
Read More ...Read MoreUser Report by Luisa Roch (DH, B. Sc.) Many offers on the Internet, particularly on the different social media channels, are dedicated to the topic of tooth whitening. Therefore, it is not surprising that the patients’ attention is more and more drawn to the esthetics and appearance of their teeth. Some years ago, I offered tooth whitening treatments almost only exclusively and specifically targeted in our practice. Today, my patients proactively demand these treatments. Many patients aim for whiter teeth but are unsure, whether tooth whitening will cause any risks or side effects. Consequently, professional whitening offers have become indispensable in a modern dental practice.
Read More ...Read MoreA case report by Dr. Sasan Harun-Mahdavi First published: ZWP Zahnarzt Wirtschaft Praxis [German business magazine for dentists] 10/22, pp. 92-95, OEMUS MEDIA AG, Leipzig Dr. Sasan Harun-Mahdavi is the owner of the practice for oral and maxillofacial dentistry "Zahnärzte im Lehel" in Munich, Germany. Restorations are part of his wide range of treatments. Here, he and his team attach great importance to esthetic fillings. Based on his experiences, Dr. Harun-Mahdavi reports on the importance of matrix systems to him.
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By Daniel Lewis Starting your journey toward a bright smile begins with understanding the diverse factors that can introduce stains to our teeth.
...Read MoreDr. Cristiane Maucoski—an accomplished dentist, orthodontist, and PhD candidate practicing in Ponta Grossa, Brazil— is described by colleagues as a passionate learner, skilled dentist, a scholar, and a problem solver.
...Read MoreHow the VALO™ Grand Curing Light Accessories Lenses Helped one Dentist’s Work
...Read MoreA user report by dentist Sara Jalili Tooth whitening protocols can be as complex as the selection of the appropriate whitening agent. Whenever patients with discolored teeth require a flexible, comfortable, and uncomplicated cosmetic teeth whitening treatment, the solution in our dental practice is Opalescence Go whitening gel.
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