Transcend™ universal composite delivers esthetically outstanding and convincing results.
A user report by Dr. Elisa Jurianz
I personally prefer gentle, minimally invasive and conservative treatments as a rule, and whenever possible. Restorative dentistry therefore plays a very important role in my daily practice life. I only opt for prosthetic treatments in cases which reveal a very large loss of substance.
Restorative dentistry has been characterized by various changes during the last 10 years. In the past, inlays or onlays were placed more frequently. Yet today, users increasingly tend to place three-surface restorations or produce a crown in more difficult cases. However, not only have the indications and treatment protocols changed. The patients themselves have likewise developed completely different requirements regarding their dental treatments and their dentists in the meantime. They usually question more critically which materials are used. Some patients are interested in the specific details of the ingredients, while others may react allergic to certain substances. Many patients want to know exactly which costs they will have to cover, and for the majority a good esthetic outcome plays a significant role. One of my predominant tasks as a dentist is to inform my patients about different treatment options. Restorative dentistry offers numerous suitable solutions, especially regarding bespoke esthetic needs and requirements. In many cases I work conservatively instead of applying veneers or crowns straight away, e.g. in situations showing gaps in between the teeth.
Beforehand, it is always worth considering how to deal with abrasions, erosions, or minor defects, especially in the anterior region of the mouth. Ultimately, my restorations should not only have a stunning natural and esthetic appearance, but ideally last 10 years or more. This is my personal goal — not only for myself but also for my patients.
When choosing a composite, I put emphasis on the handling of the material as well as the likelihood to achieve long-lasting, beautiful results. In an ideal world, the composite will neither darken nor develop unpleasant margins over the years. Furthermore, in my practice, it is very important that my restorations are quick and easy to polish, and the restoration is entirely invisible when completed.
When I started my career as a dentist, I was extremely keen to use composite systems comprising a wide range of shades. Back then, I constantly worked with these kinds of systems, preferably in combination with the layering technique. The accomplishment of perfect results with these systems is time-consuming however, and equally requires a lot of practical experience. In retrospect the treatment protocol was very complicated, especially compared to today's modern composite systems based on just one shade. I have been working with universal composites for around 1.5 years now and have to say that they significantly simplify and speed up my treatments. It is needless to practice in advance or to test different steps of the protocol. It could not be easier to start and to achieve beautiful results straight away.
I am particularly enthusiastic about the new Transcend™ universal composite (Ultradent Products). Transcend composite enables me to produce outstanding esthetic restorations. It adapts perfectly to the natural tooth colour and provides a fantastic, brilliant finish. I have already used Transcend composite for all indications and filling classes. The shades blend-in seamlessly, even when it comes to restorations in the anterior region, which is particularly impressing. Thanks to its balanced consistency, the material is easy to use, manipulate and handle. I always choose a One Gloss polisher for the polishing step – which turned out to be just quick and perfect.
Transcend universal composite shows an exceptional translucency that blends with the natural enamel and dentin. Compared to other universal composites, Transcend composite does not require an opaquer or a blocker. The Universal Body shade is all you need to cover even darker discolorations.
In most cases I can rely on one single shade (Universal Body) if I want to. In more complicated cases, I benefit from the possibility of using the complementary Transcend composite enamel and dentin shades in combination with a layering technique. For example, I use Transcend composite Universal Body shade in the anterior region for endodontically treated teeth which suffered from a major loss of substance. In such cases, I would tend to apply an additional enamel shade for the top layer in the anterior region. In the posterior region, I would apply a layer of Universal Body and add a dentin shade (A1D, A2D, A3D or B1D) in the overlying areas. At this stage, I would like to point out once again that a layering technique is not actually necessary with Transcend composite. I choose this approach simply because I am used to it and because I originally learnt layering very much in detail at the university.
Transcend composite additionally provides for an impressive shade adaption during tooth whitening treatments. The Transcend composite Universal Body shade continuously adapts to the lighter surrounding tooth colour even during a whitening procedure.
A case that proves that Transcend composite is likewise ideally suitable for the esthetic filling therapy in the anterior region, a 25-year-old female patient came to my practice as she was unhappy with the unattractive gaps between her teeth (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1: Before the restoration
I decided to restore teeth 32-43, 12-14, 22 and 23 with Transcend universal composite to master this visually unpleasant appearance. In this case, I also chose a layering technique with the Transcend composite dentin shade A2D. After having placed the fillings, the existing gaps were beautifully closed. The result turned out to be impeccable, and the fillings were entirely invisible (Fig. 2 to 3), much to the delight of my patient. This specific case fully convinced me to use Transcend composite for anterior restorations.
Fig. 2 & 3: After the restoration
As already mentioned, Transcend composite does not require any layering technique in most cases and I merely follow my personal preference with this method. That’s why I would like to show which brilliant results can be realized even when applying solely one Transcend composite shade (Universal Body) and no layering technique. In this case, I restored a wedge-shaped defect at 22 and 23 with cervical fillings (Fig. 4). The initial tooth colour of the 65-year-old male patient was A3. I would usually choose an A3.5 for cervical fillings, as the cervical areas are typically slightly darker than the rest of the tooth. In this specific case however, I decided to use Transcend composite Universal Body shade. This way, no shade determination was necessary, which in my opinion is very comfortable.
Fig. 4: Before the restoration - wedge-shaped defect on 22/23
After having effortlessly placed Transcend composite Universal Body shade and having manipulated it with a Heidemann spatula, I was enormously surprised. The exceptionally appealing, esthetic result was visible immediately after the placement of the filling. After a closer inspection, there was literally no difference compared to the natural tooth (Fig. 5). One week later, the patient came back to my practice and the result had become even more perfect (Fig. 6). Beside the overwhelming outcomes, I really like the quick and simple procedure. Time is always a critical factor in a dental practice. Thus, the extremely quick fabrication of esthetically appealing restorations with only one shade and the minimal polishing effort is a huge help in my daily working life.
Fig. 5: Directly after the cervical filling with only one Transcend shade (Universal Body)
Fig. 6: Result after one week - cervical filling with only one Transcend composite shade (Universal Body)
In summary, the remarkable esthetic results, the flexibility and the simplicity of Transcend universal composite are the keys to success. It is not at all mandatory to work with multiple shades, but there is always the option to do so, if necessary. I can use Transcend composite universally for all types of restorations and cavities: for large posterior restorations as well as for conventional or rather esthetic anterior restorations. The material adapts perfectly to the natural tooth colour in every situation. Transcend universal composite is uncomplicated, effective and versatile. It is a genuine all-rounder for me, my patients and – quite important – for easy, fast, and smooth treatment protocols!
About the userDr. Elisa Jurianz
Berlin, Germany
2009 - 2011 Formation as dental assistant
2011 - 2016 Studies of dentistry at the Martin-Luther-University, Halle (Saale), Germany
2019 Doctor in periodontology, Halle (Saale), Germany
2016 - 2020 Assistant and employed dentist
Since 2021 Private Practice in Berlin-Schmargendorf, Germany
Further trainings
2018/19 Curriculum CMD
Since 2017 Various advanced trainings in conservative, periodontological and prosthetic dentistry