A contribution by Katja Mannteufel
First published: ZWP 12/22, pp. 66-67, OEMUS MEDIA AG, Leipzig
Trial and error makes all the difference - that's Dr. Verena Freier's experience when it comes to choosing the right sectional matrix system. In private practice since 2015, she has been able to test her way through products from various manufacturers over the years and has defined a new favorite: the Halo™ Sectional Matrix System (Ultradent Products). She talks about her experiences in the interview.
Dr. Freier, "We live beautiful teeth" is the motto of your practice in Bad Soden am Taunus. What is behind this philosophy?
We do indeed live beautiful teeth – I live for teeth, and so does my team. We want to make it possible for patients to have beautiful teeth as well. We have found that many wish for beautiful teeth, even though sometimes they may not communicate this clearly. Beautiful teeth are something that can change a person, as they can change a face. This can result in a whole new outlook on life, boosting self-confidence. We try to instill this so-called feel-good atmosphere into the practice. We are a small cordial and informal practice, we know our patients well and vice versa – it is a bit like coming home.
One of the areas of expertise in your practice is esthetic dentistry. To what extent does equipment make a difference to you in treatment?
The equipment in my practice is of great importance to me. We have very modern high quality equipment, as well as being almost completely digitized. I enjoy working with state-of-the-art technology as it makes my work easier and also simply because it's fun. The patient also benefits from this, because on the one hand it results in a more comfortable treatment experience, and on the other hand, provides a high-quality result.
The placement of matrices is indicated for many treatments situations. A new sectional matrix system named Halo has recently been launched on the market. What has been your experience with it to date?
We have been using Halo for about six months now. Matrices are often a necessary evil, but of course something that we use every day. A well placed matrix is absolutely essential for a high quality restoration. As one does not have an endless amount of time, it is nice to have a system that facilitates application and makes life easier for us dentists. Fast, easy and with the best possible result - that's exactly the case with Halo. At university, we learned to classically work with Tofflemire matrices. Later on, the first sectional matrix systems proved to be an incredible improvement, yet they did have their limitations. Halo approaches many things differently and therefore better. Let's start with the tensioning ring. Previously, depending on how wide the interproximal space was and the angle of the tooth curvature, frequently the problem was that the matrix was not pressed tightly on to the tooth. It protruded slightly allowing the restorative to leak out. This is not only annoying, but also inefficient, as time-consuming reworking of the finished restoration is required, or an already placed matrix has to be laboriously optimized and adjusted. With Halo, the ring has been modified such that the matrix can actually be pressed all the way around the tooth contour. The matrix bands metal tag is also superb, the tip is easy to grasp with tweezers for correct positioning. The small holes allow for easy removal. Another advantage I see is the kit character of Halo. The kit includes many different sizes and shapes that we can use. We noticed that it really makes sense to pay attention to using the correct matrix height to match the contact point of the adjacent tooth and the marginal ridge as closely as possible. Impossible with a Tofflemire – the maximum that could be achieved here was an angular form, far from an atomically correct tooth shape.
Can you tell us anything about patient comfort with Halo?
I don't think a patient can tell if and when one matrix is better or worse than another. But the patient definitely notices when I have placed a matrix well, both by the experience and the new filling. This includes low clamp pressure, no injury to the gingiva, easy release of the matrix and, of course, fast filling therapy without the need for adjusting and repolishing of leaked composite. Even more important for the patient is the filling, which is smooth and free from edges, is easy to clean and does not trap any food residues. If a matrix system works, it also saves time - both my own and that of the patient. And this is where we get to the point of patient satisfaction and practice image. Nowadays, patients are well informed, they google, seek different opinions, and compare. And they exchange information with each other - with regard to both satisfaction as well as dissatisfaction. As a consequence, we do everything we can to ensure that our patients are completely satisfied –including choosing materials and equipment carefully.
My conclusion about Halo:
Halo can be applied quickly. It is efficient, enables high-quality restorations and is extremely comfortable, for both practitioner and patient. It definitely reduces stress and can therefore be recommended.
(Dr. Verena Freier)
About the Author
Dr. Verena Freier
Guest speaking